FEE transport, Ltd. also offers express transportation services. We can provide express transportation within the Czech Republic and abroad, contact us and we will arrange for the shortest possible time loading and transportation.
We will meet your individual requirements. For longer distances we provide two drivers for faster delivery of the shipment to the recipient. We can also provide loading and unloading of goods.
Your shipment will be transported within the Czech Republic and abroad very quickly, whereby:
FEE transport, Ltd. is focused on comprehensive services, we are confident that our offer and execution of orders will meet your expectations. We will transport your shipment on time, safely and reliably. If you are interested give us a call.
Pobočka Olomouc
Ladova 389/10,
779 00, Olomouc
730 891 906
Pobočka Moravská Ostrava
Hrušovská 2969/13
703 00 Moravská Ostrava
735 758 781
FEE Liberec
Hodkovická 694
463 12 Liberec XXIII
730 891 910