Call us 24/7: +420 602 177 278
Mobilní aplikace

About us

Purely Czech company FEE Transport ranks among professionals in the field of transport and freight forwarding. It employs experienced professionals who monitor developments in the industry. Company has strong cash flow right from the start!

FEE Transport at the offices in Prague, Olomouc and Jicin offers the possibility of ordering by road, sea and air transport, logistics and express shipments.

Whether you are our long-term client, or you need one shipment, we will always pursue the professional care.

Our Vision:

Our aim is to be respected, flexible and complex logistic company operating within central Europe.

Our Mission:

To offer our customers all the transport and warehousing services with value added services like: guarantee of quality, security and a good price. All this with regards to a personal approach and respectability.

Only with this purpose we can be better and more reliable than the others.

Our Values:

  • People
  • Approach
  • Evolution
FEE Transport, s.r.o.

FEE Transport, s.r.o.

Plzeňská 1270/97
150 00 Praha 5 Košíře

734 362 894

Pobočka Jičín

Pobočka Jičín

Křižíkova 1099
506 01 Jičín

734 362 894

Pobočka Olomouc

Pobočka Olomouc

Ladova 389/10,
779 00, Olomouc

730 891 906

Pobočka Moravská Ostrava

Pobočka Moravská Ostrava

Hrušovská 2969/13
703 00 Moravská Ostrava

735 758 781

Pobočka Hranice

Pobočka Hranice

Teplická 990
753 01 Hranice I-Město

771 126 901

Pobočka Prostějov

Pobočka Prostějov

Floriána Nováka 5267/3
796 01 Prostějov

730 891 906

Pobočka Liberec

FEE Liberec

Hodkovická 694
463 12 Liberec XXIII

730 891 910